CADN: Clopyralid
CAS NO.: 1702-17-6
Chemical Name: 3,6-dichloropyridine-2-carboxylic acid
Molecular Formula: C6H3Cl2NO2
Molecular Weight: 192.0
It is the synthetic plant growth hormone (similar to the role of indole acetic acid). It is a kind of selective inhaled herbicides, and it is absorbed by leaves and roots, delivered upward or downward to the base, and accumulated in the meristem. As a hormone, it acts on the cell elongation and respiration.
It is used after emergence forcontrolling and killing off annual and perennial broadleaf weedsin fields of polygonaceae, compositae, leguminosae, umbelliferae, sugar beet,feed beet, rape, corn, grain, brassica, onion, leek, strawberry and flax. Thedose of the lawn and non-crop fields is 300-560g (a.i)/hm. It has a good effectof controlling the field thistle, wild bitter herbs, coltsfoot, small whitechrysanthemum and polygonum weeds. The gramineae, cruciferous and polygonaceaeplants have a good resistance to the clopyralid.
Zona de Desarrollo Económico y Tecnológico,
Mianyang, Provincia de Sichuan, China
Bloque 5, No. 11, Calle de Galileo, Zhangjiang,
Parque de High-Tech, Nueva Área de Pudong,